Letters from Heaven

Jason's light
"Mom, if you can see this it means I love you" - Jason's Light - July 17th, 1998

Everything was by the Hands of God to comfort and sooth our hearts as Jason's transition to Heaven started and evolved. The experience was a beautiful process of detachment and surrender which occurred as we accepted this walk into the unknown by our faith. There was no struggle or sorrow, only a beautiful calm energy that our family experienced with a" light so bright" that I knew we were held in God's heart the whole time. We knew this was "the peace that passes understanding" by the calm energy that comforted us and never left us, as things around us led us on this journey we all must take as we make the return journey back home to God. Sharing this so that everyone may know that God's love surrounded us as we released Jason's soul to God and we experienced His Grace.

And we were given a sign as a beautiful collection of clouds formed in a cloudless sky, and a great ray of light shined towards the Heavens...a sign of hope to share with the world - and we call this "Jason's Light."

Below are some new photos we took this summer.

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